Michigan’s Leading Expert in Student Information Systems
MISTAR-Q, powered by Aequitas Solutions Inc. and supported by the Oakland Schools and Wayne RESA Consortium, is a web-based student information management system customized specifically for Michigan educational entities to meet state and federal mandates. Our mission is to “equitably provide the most comprehensive whole child solution, by education – for education.”
Our Services Let You Focus on the Students
Training & On-Site Support
District-Specific Customization & Extensions
Delivering over
Staff Training Hours Annually
We maintain greater than
Student Records
Supporting over
Modules and Features
We’re Working for You
Collaborating for your Success
“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success”
-Henry Ford

Steering Committee

MiSTAR-Q User Group (MUG)

Collaborating for your Success
“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success”
-Henry Ford

Steering Committee

Advisory Committee

Keeping You in the Know

Annual State Conference

National Conference

Providing You with Unmatched Support

MUG Meetings

Monthly Training Schedule

JIRA Helpdesk

MI Data Hub Support Specialists
MISTAR-Q is an enterprise grade district-wide solution that provides district, school, and classroom student information management in real time for educators, students, and parents.

Special Education
MISTAR-Q offers a fully functional Special Education module to maintain special education data for reporting to internal and external customers.

Special Educations Electronic Forms System (Program Forms)
MISTAR-Q Program Forms offers a robust library of special education complaint electronic forms to collect and report special education data. Forms are developed as minimally complaint to Michigan Special Education requirements and include real-time validation rules to assist staff in proper completion.

Service Tracker/ Medicaid Billing
Maintains and tracks health-related services provided to Special Education students and behavioral or mental health support for general education students typically for the purpose of Medicaid billing reimbursement.

Parent Square
ParentSquare has partnered with our vendor Aequitas, to offer a fully unified product that engages every family with school communications and communications-based services—from the district office to the classroom teacher, and all in one place.

Online Staff Training Portals
Our vendor, Aequitas, (in partnership with Alludo) has developed a self-paced, gamified learning platform to support educators, including teachers, administrators, and staff in the pursuit of lifelong learning strategies.

Online Registration
MISTAR-Q offers both Pre-Enrollment and Re-Enrollment functionality for districts to collect and maintain information provided by parents.

Student Scan
The Student Scan Application is a separate application used to scan student IDs and log that information to the Q database. Some possible uses include recording student attendance at a sporting event, or scanning students arriving late to school.

Parent/Student/Staff Portals
Q mobile apps provides parents, students and staff convenient, real-time access to information in the Q database. information like grades, behavior, attendance, food service, assignments and many other areas shared by your school or district.

Food Service Eligibility and Point of Sale
Food Service modules in MISTAR-Q include a fully functional robust series of modules that are part of the core product and are not third-party integrations.

Q Analytics
Q Analytics allows each user to launch a fully customizable home page that displays tables, charts, or graphs representing the most common elements they wish to evaluate.

State & Federal Reporting
MISTAR-Q supports all state and federal reporting requirements such as:
- CEPI/MSDS Collection Extracts
- Data validation features
- Office of Civil Rights (CRDC) reporting
- Michigan Pupil Accounting submission forms
- Direct Certification

Integration Support
MISTAR-Q Consortium support many integration methods with other products where necessary.
What do current MISTAR-Q users have to say about us?
There’s an incredible amount of tech capability and adaptability in the MISTAR-Q system that you don’t necessarily recognize at first glance. The functionality of it is actually very robust and the constant updates and enhancements – which are direct responses to our needs as users – allow it to keep getting better at a faster pace than many of the better-known competitors. You can feel the value placed on customer input in the user experience with MISTAR-Q – instead of feeling like you need to modify all of your processes to work around the system!
Ready to Get Started?
Send us a message and find out how our services will best support you!